Where Did it All Lead?

Hi RXCLP fans,

Thanks for staying with the Facebook page after all this time. I hope you’re still enjoying the book, and still sharing it so others can enjoy it. It was also nice to see the project Facebook page pass 1000 likes as well. Thanks for that.

SF the heart of battle LOGO

It has now been over four years since I self-published my project of love, Street Fighter: The Heart of Battle, on Valentine’s Day 2015, and while it did not get any notoriety with CAPCOM, UDON, or any notable media outlets as I, perhaps foolishly, hoped it would, it has been read hundreds of thousands of times to date, and that’s pretty awesome. I definitely reached the RXCL fanbase and then some. And it also taught me some valuable lessons.

No One Can Make Something Better For You Than You

My love of Ryu and Chun-Li as a couple has been put to rest. I no longer hope that CAPCOM will produce anything Ryu/Chun-Li related. If they ever did, I’d be first in line, but if they never do, I’m OK with that because I produced the Ryu/Chun-Li story I wanted, full of all the things I wanted to see. I couldn’t be more satisfied.

Finish What You Start

The RXCLP not only brought me deep satisfaction, it, unexpectedly, made me a more persuasive man and a bit of a social media expert in the eyes of some professionals. And, most importantly, it made these professionals see that I am a man who sets a goal and gets it done. So many people talk about doing fan projects, but the truth is, very few people finish them. Consequently, finishing mine has made me someone to be noticed.



The first and greatest benefit of the RXCLP however, is it has finally cleared my mind of fan love so that my own ideas for my own story and characters can shine through. No longer is my love for Ryu and Chun-Li begging to be satisfied. It has been. Their story is done for me until destiny says otherwise. Now my story with my own original characters begins.

And that’s what’s happened. My work on the RXCLP (along with other projects), drew the attention of a couple of people who are now my partners and together we have produced an original easy-to-read English manga for language and literacy learners. For those among you who know I’m an English teacher in Japan, such a creation should be no surprise. You can see the manga here. New chapters will be published every few months until we are picked up by a publisher and can expedite our work. If you know anyone who is learning English, is learning or struggling to read, or just likes unique manga, please feel free to share it with them.

Crystal Hunters Cover


You can follow the manga on Twitter if you want to read future chapters:


Notices of new chapters will be posted there.

So was the RXCLP worth it? Yes. Finishing a 300+ page fan-book with the best quality I could muster turned professional heads. It may not have been the heads I wanted to turn initially, but I’m certainly not complaining anymore.

Thanks for reading!


One thought on “Where Did it All Lead?

  1. WARthogBasilius says:

    I for one can’t thank you enough for making this awesome project a reality!

    I had a hardcover book printed for myself and love reading it every time. The story is just great and while it leaves the door open for sequels, it can also just stand by itself. (Hollywood screenwriters….that’s what you should aim for!)

    Of course i’m sad, that there wont be a sequel from you. However i applaud your effort and the resulting success and fruits it bore.

    I for one keep shipping the most awesome videogame charachter couple and who knows….maybe one day even Capcom will get it (when they realise they can make tons of money of RxCL merch).

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